电阻 - Vishay
电阻 - Vishay(威世)精选产品
Vishay discrete resistors serve applications in virtually all major market sectors. Resistive technology options include thin film, thick film, metal oxide film, carbon film, and wirewound, as well as Power Metal Strip. Vishay is the number one manufacturer worldwide of wirewound and other power resistors, leaded film resistors, and thin film surface-mount resistors.
Vishay的NTC热敏电阻, PTC 热敏电阻和传感器产品具有高灵敏度和高精度的特点. 这些产品非常适合需要快速响应时间, 空间有限, 高可靠性或宽温范围的应用场合.
Vishay压敏电阻变阻器能够可靠和有效地保护器件免受高压瞬态和浪涌电流的损害. 压敏电阻能够吸收更高的瞬态能量, 可以抑制正瞬态和负瞬态.
Trimmers allow for easy adjustment of resistance values through physical manipulation. Vishay offers single- and multi-turn trimmers in a variety of case styles, sizes, and technologies.
可变电阻器具有我们可变电阻的诸多优点和更高的功率等级. Vishay的可变电阻器可以用在各种应用当中, 包括环境恶劣, 要求苛刻的应用.
Vishay 电位计具有业界领先的功率等级, 循环寿命和温度系数, 并且包括为工业和军工应用优化的器件.